Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Every dog owner is a dog trainer.

Sit! . . . Stay!   . . . Come!   These are a few of the basic commands which just about every dog owner desires their dog to respond to promptly.  There are several theories and doctrines about when, how and where to train your dog.

Most communities have 'puppy classes' available for pups as soon as they have had all of their 'puppy shots.'  Classes continue for older pups and adult dogs too.  Some classes 'sequence' so that when you finish the basics you advance to the next level.

There are services available where you can send your puppy or dog off to school and it comes back 'trained.'  The trainer then has to train you so that you know what to expect and how to command your dog.

When you take your pup to school, you are the one handling your dog.  The class instructor is actually teaching YOU how to handle your dog . . .  more correctly, the instructor is training you how to train your dog.  You are learning the principles during the one hour class but the training of the dog takes place twice a day, day after day, as you practice the commands assigned each week.  The teacher is the coach, you are the dog trainer.  I really think that is the best and most effective way to train your dog and bring discipline into it's life.  The dog responds best within your relationship with it.  When you send a dog off to school, your dog develops a relationship with the trainer which may be quite different from it's relationship with you.  Then you have to learn how to work within that new relationship to get the dog to obey your commands.

The purpose of this post isn't to discuss the strengths of various training methods but to encourage you to understand that it's YOUR dog and YOU have a relationship with it so YOU must be the dog trainer, whether you use some sort of a formal puppy class to assist you or not. Having a dog as part of your family is a wonderful experience with many benefits.  It is not, however, without a significant cost of your time and attention. Training is a very important responsibility that the dog owner has towards their dog so that it will become a respected and civil member of the community.

Until next time . . .   Eliot

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