Most people have their mind made up about the gender of the puppy that they want. All too often they have made their decision with incorrect information about the differences. There are many more people who desire to have a male dog than a female. One of the most common reasons stated is that they want a 'BIG' dog for protection,
'BIG' dog is a relative concept. Rosehall GSD's males run between 90 and 140 pounds . . . not those are BIG dogs! . . . but not like some of the Great Danes or other huge breeds. Rosehall females run between 70 and 90 pounds with some reaching 100 or more pounds when mature (lean.) That is still quite a large dog . . . larger than the standard male German Shepherds. So you can have a BIG dog and have a female.
On the matter of protection . . . usually the matter is deterrence, rather than 'attack' capability. The male dog generally will make a better personal protection dog for someone who has the dog traveling with them. The males tend to be somewhat less territorial and more loyal to an individual. The female has a natural 'nesting' instinct that makes them generally more protective of their 'home turf' and therefore more likely to be the protective 'watch' dog at home.
When things go 'bump' in the night around here . . . it's me and our 115 pound girl Essie that go and investigate! I have no doubt that she will 'watch out' for me should the need arise.
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